Motilal Banarsidass
A Course in Indian Philosophy
Indian Philosophy its content is of course completely irrelevant to the world of greed and money-making which has replaced the remarkably idealistic societies emerging from the crucible of death and destruction in the Second World War. Then. the surviviors were glad to be alive and wanted to fill the mourning world with new joy, not with money.
A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy
This work under the title A Critical Survey of Indian Philosophy Philosophy was published in 1960 by Rider & Company of the Hutchinson Publishing Group Ltd., London. Its American edition under the title Indian Philosophy: A Critical Survey was brought out in 1962 in 'University Paperbacks' by Barnes and Noble, Inc., New York. The Publishers of this work in India are Motilal Banarsidass, Delhi. It is a pleasure to know that the work has been very well received and has run into several editions and imprints.
Age of The Nandas & Mauryas
The age of the Nandas and Mauryas (c. 400-185 B.C.) witnessed great changes sweeping over the face of Western Asia, over lands with which India had much to do from the dawn of history, and account must be taken of their effects, direct and indirect, on the political, economic and artistic life of India. In this seminal period when Indo-Aryan civilization may be said to have attained its maturity, India did not hesitate to borrow political and economic plans and artistic motifs from abroad, and put them to the most appropriate uses in her own institutions and monuments.
Ayurveda : The Science of Self-Healing
Ayurveda is a simple, practical science of life whose principles are universally applicable to each individual's daily existence. Ayurveda speaks to every element and facet of human life, offering guidance that has been tested and refined over many centuries to all those who seek greater harmony, peace and longevity. The knowledge supplied in this book will be of lasting value to the reader.
Ayurveda Nature’s Medicine
Ayurveda Nature's Medicine contains a full description of Ayurveda on all levels from diet and herbs to yoga and meditation, explaining both Ayurvedic diagnostic and treatment methods. It covers all the material found in two-year Ayurvedic programs in India for foreign students. Notably, it explains key Ayurvedic life-style recommendations for diet, exercise and sexuality, outlining daily and seasonal regimens for optimal health and vitality.
Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-Healing
In this book you will find simple, practical approaches to food and specific recipes from the Ayurvedic art of cooking to help restore the body's healthful balance. Though there is much helpful information within these covers, this book is not proposed as a treatment plan for any disease. This, of course, you must obtain from your own doctor.
Ayurvedic Healing for Women
Ayurvedic Healing for Women is suitable as an introduction to ayurvedic thinking and healing for beginners. It is also suitable as a study guide for advanced students interested in the specific health problems concerning women today. There is an underlying beneficial and optimistic attitude that trusts the healing power of nature and gives a hopeful outlook and comfort to most of women's problems.
Bodily Self-Sacrifice in Indian Buddhist Literature
This is the first comprehensive study of a central narrative theme in premodern South Asian Buddhist literature: the Buddha's bodily self-sacrifice during his previous lives as a bodhisattva. Conducting close readings of stories from Sanskrit, Pali, Chinese, and Tibetan literature written between the third century B.C. and the late medieval period, Reiko Ohnuma argues that this theme has had a major impact on the development of Buddhist philosophy and culture.
Capturing The Aura
Essentials of Ayurveda
There is a growing consciousness all over the world to know about Ayurveda, the earliest medical system of India, which has survived the vicissitudes of time for centuries and is still living and acting with vigour. Initially Ayurveda was one whole but later on was divided into eight specialities (angas) and still further, in present times, into sixteen ones.
From Vasubandhu to Caitanya
The chapters in this volume are a selection of papers presented in the general Philosophy Section at the 12th World Sanskrit Conference in Helsinki, Finland. The first part of the book, Studies in Indian Philosophy, contains nine studies on individual topics and concepts in Indian philosophy from various perspectives: historical-philological, philosophical and comparative.
Fundamentals of Astrology
By the grace of the Lord Sri Siddhivinayaka, this work, whose third enlarged edition is now offered to the learned public, has already found favour with both students and practitioners of this ancient science viz. Astrology, both in the East and West. To make the work more useful to readers, an Appendix on the Pancanga or Almanac, which is a necessary ingredient of the daily life of a cultured Indian like prayers, has been added to the text in this edition, which, I hope, will be appreciated as useful by discerning students of astrology.