Tibetan Buddhism
Buddhism Observed
The Tibetan Book of The Great Liberation
The life of Milarepa
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Tibetan Book of the Dead contains a detailed portrayal of the teachings that play a major role in the Tibetan understanding of death and dying. It is basically a collection of Buddhist scriptures that offer significant insights into the psychology of death and dying and suggests the importance of meditative practice and knowledge as tools for self-understanding.
Tibetan Healing Handbook
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines
This book is a successful attempt to place on record carefully made translations of texts which are still a subject of curiosity to Western readers. It also contains a body of orally transmitted traditions and teachings relating to texts collected from the Late Lama Kazi-Dawa-Samdup. W.Y.Evans-Wentz has described in a very lucid manner the philosophy and yoga systems of the great Tibetan yogis including Tilopa, Naropa, and Milarepa.
पातिमोक्खसुत्त (भिक्खुपातिमोक्ख) हिंदी अनुवाद सहित ,The Pātimokkhasutta (Bhikkhupātimokkha) with Hindi translation
मज्झिमनिकायपालि -३ खण्डों में (१ मूलपण्णासकं २. मज्झिमपण्णासकमिता ३ . उपरिपण्णासकमिता ) हिन्दीअनुवाद सहित। The Majjhimanikayapali (3 volumes with Hindi Translation)
मज्झिमनिकायपालि का बर्मा देश (म्यांमार) में हुए छट्ठ संगायन पर आधृत और श्रीलङ्का ,श्याम (थाईलैंड ) तथा पालि टैक्सट सोसाइटी लन्दन के संस्करणों का सहयोग लेकर सन १९५६ -६१ में ' पालि त्रिपिटक प्रकाशन मण्डल ' नालन्दा से प्रकाशित देवनागरी -संस्करण एवं आचार्य श्रीबुद्धघोष की अट्ठकथा का सहारा लेकर, स्वतंत्र रूप से किया गया हिंदी रूपान्तर।