Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Buddhism Observed

Based on extensive field research in Nepal, Buddhism Observed questions traditional assumptions about Buddhism and examines the rarely considered phenomenon

Mahamudra and Atiyoga

Mahamudra and Atiyoga are particular forms of Buddhist spirituality : Mahamudra, the 'Great Seal', is considered by Tibetan teachers to be the essence of both the short path and the final instructions that conclude the gradual common and esoteric paths of Buddhist doctrines; Atiyoga of 'Extreme Union' represents the Buddhist Dzogchen or 'Great Completeness' doctrine.

The Tibetan Book of The Great Liberation

The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation is a storehouse of the most profound teachings handed down to us by

The life of Milarepa

Here is the illustrated biography of Milarepa, the eleventh-century yogi and poet, who is the most renowned saint in Tibetan

The Tibetan Book of the Dead

The Tibetan Book of the Dead contains a detailed portrayal of the teachings that play a major role in the Tibetan understanding of death and dying. It is basically a collection of Buddhist scriptures that offer significant insights into the psychology of death and dying and suggests the importance of meditative practice and knowledge as tools for self-understanding.


This book is replete with authoritative  information gathered by the author during his years  of wandering through the great Himalaya.

Tibetan Healing Handbook

This book informs you about the essential correlations and approaches taken by the Tibetan science of healing .it describes the

Tibetan Healing Handbook

A Practical Manual for Diagnosing, Treating, and Healing with Natural Tibetan Medicine.

Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines

This book is a successful attempt to place on record carefully made translations of texts which are still a subject of curiosity to Western readers. It also contains a body of orally transmitted traditions and teachings relating to texts collected from the Late Lama Kazi-Dawa-Samdup. W.Y.Evans-Wentz has described in a very lucid manner the philosophy and yoga systems of the great Tibetan yogis including Tilopa, Naropa, and Milarepa.

पातिमोक्खसुत्त (भिक्खुपातिमोक्ख) हिंदी अनुवाद सहित ,The Pātimokkhasutta (Bhikkhupātimokkha) with Hindi translation

बौद्ध-सङ्घ के लिए बुद्ध के मूल शिक्षापदों का संग्रह 'पातिमोक्खसुत्त' नाम से किया गया है। इस सुत्त को भी भिक्षु और भिक्षुणियों के लिए पृथक पृथक दो भागों में विभक्त किया गया -    १. भिक्खुपातिमोक्ख एवं २. भिक्खुनिपातिमोक्ख। इस पुस्तक में 'भिक्खुपातिमोक्ख' पर विचार किया गया है।

मज्झिमनिकायपालि -३ खण्डों में (१ मूलपण्णासकं २. मज्झिमपण्णासकमिता ३ . उपरिपण्णासकमिता ) हिन्दीअनुवाद सहित। The Majjhimanikayapali (3 volumes with Hindi Translation)

मज्झिमनिकायपालि का  बर्मा देश (म्यांमार) में हुए छट्ठ संगायन पर आधृत और श्रीलङ्का ,श्याम (थाईलैंड ) तथा पालि टैक्सट सोसाइटी लन्दन के संस्करणों का सहयोग लेकर सन १९५६ -६१ में ' पालि त्रिपिटक प्रकाशन मण्डल ' नालन्दा से प्रकाशित देवनागरी -संस्करण एवं आचार्य श्रीबुद्धघोष की अट्ठकथा का सहारा लेकर, स्वतंत्र रूप से किया गया हिंदी रूपान्तर।

महायानसूत्रालङ्कार: (आर्यमैत्रेयविरचितःअनेकविधसूची-पाठान्तरादिसंवलितः विज्ञानवादस्य प्रमुखो ग्रन्थः),Mahayanasutralankar by Aryamaitreya & Asanga

' महायानसूत्रालङ्कार ' विज्ञानवाद का सबसे प्रधान ग्रन्थ है। ' महायानसूत्रालङ्कार ' गुरु मैत्रयनाथ एवम उनके शिष्य आर्य असङ्गकी सम्मिलित कृति है। मूलभाग मैत्रेयनाथ का और टीकाभाग आर्य असङ्ग का कहा जाता है।