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Srutipada Sarita: Musical Notations Of Traditional and Self Made Dhrupad Compositions

The treatise is a well-assorted collection of Dhrupad-Dhamar songs. These are musical notation of traditional Song-texts from the Dagar Oral

The Music Master: Portrait Of The rudra Vina maestro Ustad Zia Mohiuddin Dagar

This book is a portrait of a music master who attained spiritual realisation through music and who could guide his

नेट संगीत Net Sangeet

नेट, केंद्रीय विद्यालय, माध्यमिक एवं उत्तरमाध्यमिक स्तरों की विभिन्न परिच्छाओं हेतु उपयोगी