Arvind Sharma
Decolonizing Indian Studies
The present Indian academic self-understanding of its history and culture is largely Western in origin. This Western intellectual enterprise, however, went hand in hand with a Western political enterprise, i.e the colonzation of India. This raises the question : To what extent, if any, did the two developments influence each other ? It also raises another question : To what extent did West's cultural presuppositions influence its understanding of Indian civilization.
Essays on the Mahabharata
This Book is a classic study of a monumental work, the Mahabharata, perhaps the largest epic in world literature. It is an epic study of the epic on account of the voluminous size it has itself attained, the kaleidoscopic variety of the themes it covers, the great diversity of approaches it canvasses, the wide array of contributions it includes and the high standard of scholarship it achieves.