Tantra (Texts)
Laksmi Tantra
Amongst the vast number of Pancaratra Agamas, the Laksmi Tantra stands out because of its almost exclusive treatment of the Visnuit mother-goddess Laksmi, the Sakti of Visnu-Narayana. The text not only glorifies Laksmi, but also women in general as beings created in the cherished form of Laksmi, and it advocates their worship.
Sanskrit language indisputably occupies the stage of sanctity among the language used the world over. There are works in this language pertaining to innumerable branches of knowledge that are so varied and rich that they can only be tasted and not studied in detail in a single effort. 'Sanskrit Literature' is vast and engrossing in its variety and form. Of the many great Sanskrit literary works that have come down to us, one is the classic Lalita-sahasranama, the magnum opus of an anonymous writer.