Showing 1–12 of 23 results

A Course in Indian Philosophy

Indian Philosophy its content is of course completely irrelevant to the world of greed and money-making which has replaced the remarkably idealistic societies emerging from the crucible of death and destruction in the Second World War. Then. the surviviors were glad to be alive and wanted to fill the mourning world with new joy, not with money.

Indian Philosophy and Religion

In India, Philosophy and religion are linked intimately, inseparably. Barring the Carvaka’s meterialistic school, every other school has concentrated not


The special features of the ‘Pancasutra linga, the rites of Sannidhanam, Avagunthanam, Sakalikarana, Amritkarana etc. have also been narated as

Outlines Of Indian Philosophy

This work is based upon the lectures which I delivered for many years at the Mysore University and is published with the intention that it may serve as a text-book for use  in colleges where Indian philosophy is taught. Though primarily intended for students, it is hoped that the books may also be of use to others who are intersted in the Indian solution of familiar philosophical problems. Its foremost aim has been to give a connected and, so far as possible within the limits of a single volume, a compreshensive account of the subject; but interpretation and criticism, it will be seen, are not excluded.

Presuppositions Of India’s Pholosophies

First published in 1963, Presuppositions of India’s Philosophies is intended as an introductory text for courses in the philosophical systems

Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha of Madhavacarya

The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha of great Acarya Madhava (14th century)  is a very interesting specimen and an unique composition in the realm

Six Vedic Systems of Indian Philosophy

This book professes to be no more than a description of some of the salient points of each of the six systems of Indian philosophy. It does not claim to be exhaustive. It is calculated to appeal to the beginners and to arouse their curiosity in the subject. I hope that this presentation of the fundamental tenents of the six systems of Indian philosophy will be superseded by a more comprehensive examination of Indian philosophy.

The Sankhya Aphorisms of Kapila

The present translation of Aphorisms of Kapila by J.R. Ballantyne is so rendered as to make it possible for an average reader to understand the complex thought structure of Sankhya philosophy in a language that is easy and graspable. It will be of great help to those who are desirous of knowing not only the historical background of Indian thought, but also want to know as to how existential questions of life and death have been tackled.

The Sankhya Philosophy

The Sankhya is the oldest system of Indian thought. This study by Proffessor S.G.M Weerasinghe is not just another addition

The Tarkabhasa of Kesavamisra

Tarkabhasa, a text, presents a detail discussion on Nyaya theory. It is known as an elementary treatise, a key for the beginners of the Science of Nyaya. It is quiet evident that Tarkabhasa is written by Kesava Misra, as mentioned at the end of the text. It presents the subject matter in an easy language.

The Vedanta Doctrine of Sri Sankaracarya

The present book contains English translation with explanatory comments on Dakshinamurti-Stotra with Suresvaracharya’s Manasollasa Sri Suresvaracharya’s Pranava Vartika and Dakshinamurti

Upamana In Indian Philosophy

This book is divided into fourteen chapters which discuss elaborately the concept of Upamana (Comparison) as found in the different