Kashmir Saivism
A Journey in the World of the Tantras
Abhinavagupta Minor Works and Glossary (HB)
Abhinavagupta Minor Works and Glossary (PB)
An Introduction to the Advaita Saiva Philosophy of Kashmir (HB)
Aspects of Tantra Yoga
Kashmir Saivism The Central Philosophy of Tantrism
Dr. Mishra's comprehensive book is learned without being tedious; philosophical without being intellectually arid; and readable without being banal. Above all, it preserves the aroma of spiritual practice that is fundamental to the Pratyabhijna tradition. Anyone interested in the metaphysics of spiritual practice or in Yoga and Tantrism will read this book with immense profit.--Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.
Maheshvarananda The Mahartha Manjari (HB)
Maheshvarananda The Mahartha Manjari (PB)
Siva Sutras
Siva Sutras : The Supreme Awakening, is revealed by the twentieth century's great philosopher saint Swami Lakshmanjoo. This spiritual treasure, gifted by God to the sage Vasugupta for the upliftment of humankind, is considered to be one of Kashmir Shaivism's most important scriptures. Here, Swami Lakshmanjoo gives the reader a penetrating vision of the glorious journey of the Supreme Awakening; the traveling from limited individuality to absolute oneness with God.
Srimalinivijayottara Tantram, Vijnana Bhairava, Sri Svacchanda Tantram, Sri Netra Tantram, Siva Sutra
विज्ञान भैरव (Sanskrit-Hindi)
विज्ञान भैरव तंत्रसाधना का अद्वितीय ग्रन्थ है जिसकी व्याख्या आचार्य द्विवेदी जी ने की इस पुस्तक में योग तंत्र एवं साधना का अद्वितीय संगम है तथा उसके सही अर्थ की व्याख्या है. 'इस ग्रन्थ में आचार्य श्री कहते है- "विज्ञानभैरव प्रश्न-प्रतिवचनात्मक शैली में लिखा गया एक अगम ग्रन्थ है. प्रश्न देवी अथवा भैरवी करती है और उसके उत्तर भगवन भैरव देते हैं.
Spandapradipika A Commentary on the Spandakarika by Bhagavadutpalacarya