Mahabharata (Studies)
Essays on the Mahabharata
This Book is a classic study of a monumental work, the Mahabharata, perhaps the largest epic in world literature. It is an epic study of the epic on account of the voluminous size it has itself attained, the kaleidoscopic variety of the themes it covers, the great diversity of approaches it canvasses, the wide array of contributions it includes and the high standard of scholarship it achieves.
The Mahabharata is an Indian epic, in its original Sanskrit probably the largest ever composed. Combined with the Ramayana, it embodies the essence of the Indian cultural absorbing tale of a feud between two branches of a single Indian ruling family that culminates in a vast, cataclysmic battle....has retold the story so that the modern reader will not be discouraged from knowing and loving the stories as he did himself.
The Mahabharata and Greek Mythology
The few thousand-year-old history of the human race, just as the much shorter history of urban societies and the written tradition, is a story of encounters, of exchanges, and the formation, alteration and disappearance of those specific groupings of people and their legacies which we call cultures or societies. Progress is the fruit of our capacity to create, to work together, to accept and reinterpret all that has been discovered and all that has been learned.